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地质学论文_Epigenetic geochemical dynamics

来源:地学前缘 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-11-10
摘要:文章目录 1 Geographical and geological settings 2 Data sources 3 Mechanisms driving the macroscopic distribution of major elements 3.1 Main weathering and soil formation proces-ses of basalt and carbonate rocks 3.2 Mechanisms driving th

1 Geographical and geological settings

2 Data sources

3 Mechanisms driving the macroscopic distribution of major elements

3.1 Main weathering and soil formation proces-ses of basalt and carbonate rocks

3.2 Mechanisms driving the macroscopic distri-bution of Fe and Al

3.3 Mechanisms driving the macroscopic distributions of Na,K,Ca,Mg and Si,and pH

3.4 Mechanism driving the macroscopic distribu-tion of Corg,N,S and P

4 Mechanism driving the macroscopic dis-tribution of Cl,Br and I

5 Mechanisms driving the macroscopic distribution of heavy metals

5.1 Lead,Zn,Cd and Ag

5.2 Copper,Ni,Co,Ti and V

6 Conclusions and implications

文章摘要:The Earth’s surface is a complex system involving mutual interactions of its many components,including mountains,rivers,forests,farmlands,lakes and grasses.The interaction and mutual feedback of chemical elements in Earth’s surface layer can drive changes in chemical elemental distribution patterns.In this study,we evaluated the mechanisms and interactions driving the distribution patterns of macroelements,probiotics,halogens and heavy metals in soils in Southwest China,based on a systematic geochemical landquality survey at a scale of 1:250000.The results showed that the parent material determines the natural state of chemical elements in land resources.Epigenetic geochemical dynamics reshapes the distribution patterns of chemical elements in top soil;biogeochemical processes drive the evolutionary trends of land quality;and human activities,such as mining,disrupt the natural evolution of chemical elemental distribution patterns.The establishment of an epigenetic geochemical dynamics theory allows the construction of a framework for understanding the Earth’s surface layer and promoting technological innovations for the comprehensive geochemical investigation of land resources.


论文作者:CHENG Hangxin PENG Min ZHAO Chuandong HAN Wei WANG Huiyan WANG Qiaolin YANG Fan ZHANG Fugui WANG Chengwen LIU Fei ZHOU Yalong TANG Shiqi LI Kuo YANG Ke YANG Zheng CHENG Xiaomeng CHEN Ziwan ZHANG Hua MO Chunhu 



文章来源:《地学前缘》 网址: http://www.dxqyzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/1110/555.html


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